Wednesday 9 October 2024

Tavistock Goose Fair 2024 - A Soaking Night Before

So it's that time of year again and life has been intensen in both aspects with even something new coming up after finally catching up on socials for a month done to upload 6 months almost worth of my life in that overdue sense of fashion, 

But this is the start of another year and things tend not to change but also change for the worse. So we have to begin with another way to get things done and taking that control is going to be a toughie, but time to explore and enjoy what might be another tough year for many. 

Monday hectic 

So it's always the week of goose fair the work gets busiest, even with posters outside work and admin to prepare for but the Monday was actually one of those 2 visits that turned into 5 and then one cancelled since it going too late. Especially as cycling in the pouring rain which in itself was just appalling but what comes earlier makes dry at night for the others.  Then coming home to a fry up and adding rice and the usual on top was a nice touch. 

From Monday night. Egg fried rice, bacon, mushrooms, fried egg, fried bread, mayo, special k , salad  and biscuits spread

But then after eating that it was time to get the laptop fixed since recently it had been taking ages to look up the render menu which in itself is ok but the timings of tnhifnfs is going to be an nightmare hectic and that in itself is not good actually, so I was dreading a reinstall of open core so to speak, but then the plot thickens in a bad sense. 

It turns out the laptop would not charge, ok the battery did die the night before but not accepting a charge was a bit of a ohhhhhhh moment, then investigating which a screw got stuck with a washer and that was on the charging board which after it was then a capacitor near the CPU fell off, that's going to end up a dead board, so that makes it completely***** for when I needed to, so taking the ram and storage out, it was midnight and time to pack the pc up in a Primark bag ready to go as well as. 

  • Glass
  • Gfuel
  • Clothes
  • Mouse
  • Cables
  • Hard drives
  • Drink

Which then it was coming up to 1am before crashing out to the  a Tuesday morning rush, which then for me would for the start of 2 days of little sleep and content to create, since i almost forgot I had a cameo to film, well before the deadline of the end of wednesday which using the vlog as a opportunity to do it was not bad an idea too.  But then it was crashing out. 


The Morning commute and rush

Well it was the morning, I was woke up about 6:30 am with parents saying they are off to babysit the sister's son, which meant i had some bit of free time to prepare, but what do i do, i end up the usual f a p over something special soon to announce and also then leave it until the last 15 minutes to wake up and shave before packing my things and getting the bus to Work. 

I manged to rush and then left at 08:06 which to my suprise, I ran down the road and just as i got to the main road, the bus was just coming onto the main road, which some people were getting on the stop, so I ran with the rucksack of clothes and my primark bag then got in and paid the £2 for a single, which then it started to clear up as I got to spar. Then i got off and walked my way to work. Which then I got a bit of a glimpse of what will be seen this year. 

The View of the town and peek at some rides.

Then I walked my way into work and started to get a bit tidied up which i was bracing for a hectic day but also was making sure I was prepared for getting ready for how tonight would go. 


To be fair work was actually quite quiet, sure some phone calls here and there and mostly stock to book in which was overdue and some more admin here and there, especially as i was meant to get some time to sort out the desktop to prepare myself for editing some I don't cain it too much overnight,  But time passed, friends gave me cake and a donut and then it was nearly the end of the day of work by 5, but there was one last ipad setup to sort out, so that was me being late to leave for a visit which will be a project for the next week after. 

Eventually it was the visit and that was a nice walk up the road to get there, since the roads were closed at 5:30pm and it was then able to sort out the road to navigate, since the one way system was in place which in its  sight was a good way to not get run over but in for other people, a nightmare indeed. 
 But after discussing bits, it was 6:20 and time to make my way to the fair.  

The Exploring

The Car Park 

So as i got there, the crowds were not as much, even with the twister and hookaduck in the bus station. Then as it was coming to the car park by the wharf, it was empty with no rides as the way the past things do go. But then turning to the left and freakout was in the main area this time, which if its what happened last year will be for only 1 day. But then it was time to explore, terminator was not up and running yet, the dodgems were crowded with the  usual crowds, families were enjoying the smaller rides of the raceoraama and younger rides and the ghost train was more popular this year too. 

The Twister at the bus station

Freak out 

Over the falls in clear view 

The Waltzer and the clear gap in the dark clouds 

Then it was coming to Crazy Frog and Thriller Express this time, which works on this part of the car park, but not as many food stalls/vans this time around to be fair which makes some sense to it, but still there was plenty of space to get by and move about for sure on. But then it was time to exit the car park back the way i came in to explorer the rest of the road/strip. 

Thriller Express

Crazy Frogs 

The Strip of Stalls

So, I then get the chance to make my way left and then it was going to explore, there were loads of gaps on my way up for stalls there have not year been placed up, but it was going to fill soon enough by the end of the night. But a lot more street food was to approach this time. Which might be more tempting when i get to explore during the day. 

The Selfie as i was looking back down the street

The Foood stalls on the way to the statue 

As it was then coming towards the alexandrea centre for the proper food court, it was only 3 stalls there, one thai food stall and also the bar and carvery setup already, so there will be lots more to look at when it comes to the day. 

The food court empty

Then it was starting to head towards the end which was more empty with stalls to yet arrive overnight for sure. But then with council everywhere, things were not too bad on going to plan from the feeling it can be. Which soon it was time to make my way back to get to explore again. 

The stalls looking back

More of the stalls 

The way to the Square

Then it was walking back and it was actually getting very dimpsy to dark at this point, the rain was starting to tipple a bit so not heave it down but not a sprinkle either, that was putting a dampen on it. But the clouds did make it more brighter for the rides for sure, The crowds were less as the rain was coming in though. 

The Clouds and Over the Falls 

Now lets do it on night mode 

Terminator in full glow 

Then after this was to go on the river path way back to the square to then explorer what was around that with most of the stalls all parked up and Blaze is the highlight of the fairground on the square this year which only was not too far in the uk as well. 

The blurred entering to the square 

Blaze in the dark 

The main road 

More of the brighter night mode appeal 

Another look at the fair on the square 

The ending

After this, it was a cameo to film and one last look at the fairground before it was 7:20 and i decided to make my way back to the shop, but the rain was just about holding off, but then it was to explore co-op which i was not going to lie, feeling a bit hungry but wanting to save up money for this coming event and other events soon in this moth to go. Co-op had some bits in there but not much to enjoy on offer, which then I made my way back and it was time to get going to get some overdue work done like stock to book in from releases the day before like Silent Hill 2 and until Dawn/. 

Which then by about 10:30pm i was able to start the editing for the cameo and vlog and finished the vlog about 6am minus a couple of on and off breaks like a neighbour needing to call an ambulance at 4am in the actually morning and they did not leave until just before 6am i stg. 

When then it leads to the Day of the fair, which i'll see you soon for that
