Sunday, 24 February 2013

one quick thing on my mind and a new App for Andorid

Well recently things have been troubling me and also things have even bought me feelings and emotions i used to have many years ago, as many as when this blog was originally started. Since its things i don't want to explain in full. I'll quote a paragraph that i said to a good friend of mine who asked what was wrong.

things getting busy and finding out about 5 people are pregnant at my age and fucking heck even one just gave birth, its just showing time is going too fast and really making me lose things that at parts of my life were important

Basically this past week started out ok but nearing the end (Thursday and Friday), things swooped right down, with this week alone, i found out 3 girls i used to chat to and 2 i liked ended up knocked up, my mate at work is getting married, which is leaving me the only person not dating or married employed in my work and the girl i love still with someone else. 
Which i think it toppled me over and i felt really low, and i mean the type of low which i regretted not committing suicide since i lost the chance with Abbey 3 years type low which really hurt. Friday i was close to crying with my eyes near watering point. But once it was saturday, i finally cheered up and worked on something...

And the project i worked on was this:
I present my first android App to you. "The Average App of omracer"

So this is my first android app. Ok this is a basic one but it can do the following:
  • Shows my Youtube Channel which you can watch many of my videos from inside the app. 
  •  Shows this blog as an RSS feed so you can read my new blogposts quicker and easier than before
  •  Shows my twitter profile which you get the point
  • Has links to my FB page, blogTV, Ustream, DeviantART, Cafepress
  • Has an about me and about the app section 
 This took about 8 hours to develop (from start to finish if i did it in one go), Using this app builder called MobinCube, which is free to sign up and develop the app, but if you publish it on other app stores, then its £1 per year to download, which is good value, hence i did that, linked my main google account as a Google Play Devloper which cost me £16.70 ($25) which is a one off cost compared to Apple cost of £64.96 ($99) per year. Then i uploaded the apk and created the app infomation and icons. After 1 hour later...
The app was approved and is now on Google Play for free. 

So now i have a working app to show off new things and i can add extras if i want to when i please and update the app, quote the revisions/changes in the relevant places and all done. But i might think about buying an ios devloper license so i can help get more people on the app, but is £64 per year worth it for increasing popularity on my videos, blog, twitter and other sites. I'm not sure but i might do it. But for now click the link below if you want to see this app and any other apps i distribute on Google Play below:

Get it on Google Play

Oh and i almost forgot, i finally joined in the viral craze of the Harlem Shake. You can see this below:
Well thats all i have to say, expect a blog post next Tuesday when i might be delivering a birthday present to a girl i like who i lost the chance with on my birthday last year but is single now. I wonder what type of pizza she likes :)

See you in the next one