Thursday 4 July 2024

Another Train ride afternoon off

So this one is from a lucky cancellation at work which let me get some time to go to Exeter yet again, this time which tested me on the time to get.  This one was more some errands that were overdue which for me was going to be overdue and needed to do while I had the time, the bank might be closed but the post office would be the way to go on this one. 

The Morning and first 2 clients 

The day was going to be muggy or humid which meant rain, that is a tough old bugger and well with only one visit in Lydford after regular,s it was time to have another afternoon, this time would be to pay money into the bank but it was also going to be maybe a date but that would be unlikely for the major part. 

I eventually got up after the fap and flirting and getting food shop in the usual with a girl from Yeovil of all things which maybe things might go and grow which looking back has been no reply since the morning,  but it will be a time will tell sort of premise, So we make our way after checking emails. I left home at 9:55 which then was a semi-calm distance to get to the regulars. They were doing ok and took some time and hear inner truths but eventually. 

Eventually, I got to the part of the bits where it was time to leave but not planning things, I should have checked voicemail since it tends to get that thing where it doesn’t work as it should, but in the end, I made my way to Lydford for the next client which was a very short one.  They left a voicemail to cancel but did not get that chance to be in touch since the signal was falling apart a bit. It took about 35 minutes to get to Lydford then I managed to have a chat with them and sort some plans out. That ended at about 1:55 pm.

The Cycle to Oke

This was just calm and easy since it was a direct route and no paths to really side wind and cross. I started the journey from there and then it was a semi gentle breeze to get to where I wanted to go. Since the time for the train was 2:25 pm there was no point rushing, So I slowly took my time and it was a gentle cycle, the tyres were feeling nice and forced to get there,  So I started. 

The Selfie before going 

The Bike before going 

Leaving Lydford 

The close part of the path before the first crossing

After the crossing, the moors is showing more

As the first viaduct closes in 

In channels and nearing the bumpy trail 

Getting towards the final stretch 

The first side off to a cycle nearing the a30 

As I passed I was able to see some of the views, the sky was still a bit cloudy and felt like it could rain, but as the moors are higher up the clouds tend to connect and fill up . But it was still gentle.  Especially as it was passing meldon the weather was changing to the clouds above, which when it gets past meldon, it changes. It was hardly anyone on the path at all which felt fine, but it was also the clouds looking stormy. So my worry the rain would strike was a nightmare. But it did not when I parked up at about 14:46 or so, right outside the station. 

The Meldon View

Passing the railway line now abandoned 

The view looking towards the north 

Looking back at the tunnel 

It was nice to have no issues with stopping on this part of the trail, like just cruise along without having to use the battery and eventually its nearing 14:50 and i got to park up. 

The near end of the Granite way path 

The OKE post office break. 

This was then a slight gap since Starling was more aggressive with magisk, it was no app access on the phone for me. So I had no card I could use to deposit cash, but I ran to the post office to put in £20 anyway. Which then was the case of finding my way to do this. 

Just then I explored the area and one of my customers was renovating a cafĂ© and popped in to see how that was getting on, I didn’t see them but I then shortly ran my way back up since it was 3:05 and the train got in about 3:15 by that point.  I ran up and saw the humid clouds which made it not look good. But I then ran up and just as I got there, the train arrived which is like a 10-minute gap between arriving and leaving, which is much more generous than the main trains or the iets. 

The Journey 

I ended up unlocking the bike and then went on the train, since if I used the ticket machine it would bolt on my end with full price and not be able to apply the railcard discount. So I sat down after tying the bike up and used the GWR App. But the GWR App used PayPal to use Starling, so crisis averted for the £9.20 single home. There was a girl in the seat in front of me not the table one but the one behind. So I didn’t film too much of the way to Exeter, but the clouds were starting to clear up for a little bit. 

Then it was soon passing Crediton I had to try to call one customer, that was a voicemail left for this. But it was soon after typing up that it was time to get off at exeter St Davids since it is now not that far distance between central and St Davids really, so easier for me if on my own and less ticket hassle. 

Nearing St Davids 

The Exeter explore 

Leaving to pay in 

So this is the main part to start with since my goal was to get work cash paid into the bank. Since with Santander, it costs £5 extra a month to speak to someone in the branch. But first was the cycling to the centre, which was a short distance across from 2 roundabouts and up a hill then turn left then right and I parked right outside central. 

A View ata part of St Davids 

The Exeter Streets on going up the hill 

The walk to try to pay in the hole in the wall, 

I casually walked my way and it was about a few minutes to the centre as it shows before. But it ended up finding Santander, which was going to be a bit of a tough one to count the note. After it timed out twice, I gave up and walked my way to the main post office in the Guildhall shopping centre, noticing a back alley which led to the mini ruin in the Guildhall, then to my right was the post office inside a gigantic WH smith, so I walked in. 

Then I gasped as I managed to walk in and it was a huge one, but finding my way to the post office part was easy with signs, AS I walked by I saw some Slush Puppies bottles for like £1 that were on my list to grab them on the way back home. But then I got to the post office and it was queued up. So I walked out and then Google Maps said the top of Sidwell Street had one. So I ran my way there. 

The run was quick-ish just past the places I walked by a week ago really.  When I got there it was part of a Morrisons, Which then I got in the lady was nice and we paid most since it was taking its time from how confusing it can end up.

But alas then that came TO an end which ended up 16:45 or so which was only about half an hour or less before the train back. But I walked out of there with an assignment of relief on this goal sorted. 

The lights and the building by the top of the city centre

The mini check and drink to get back to the bike

So it was coming to finding my way and thirst was on my mind, the idea was the slush puppies bottles and well it was £1 which I had some left anyway on the card. Cash was wiped out, But I walked my way back to the guildhall to check CEX which had a surface dock which was a proper version of something I’d already got on my surface go was the usb C adapter, which I had to cut a bit of silicon out of the case for it to go on. So I skipped that and then made my way to get the Slush Puppies bottles. Then it was quicker but some lovely chap was in the queue, and then this student served me, there were a lot of the uni types about since it was the end of the day. But for £2 total was not bad at all. 

The slush puppie bottles for £1 each 

Then I walked my way to the bike to pick it up and then it was time to cycle back, there was not much of a point to going and getting any too good-to-go bits since it was like 1 minute from leaving WHSmith to get ther bike to rush to St David's, so I just casually cycled my way back to St David's. It took about 2 to 3 minutes to get there easily.

The entrance to St Davids 

The Train home 

So, I cycled down and then walked my way to the entrance I managed to get onto the lift and then swap over to platform 4, the sun was coming out which was nice. But I was about to rest and the train arrived in, so it was time to find the carriage, the dot matrix display was off a bit to be fair but one of the guards and staff pointed then another chap with a bike pointed to the carriage. IO got on but 2 suitcases were in the way. So it was a hassle to get them to move and then stack the bikes up. By the time I did it, the train was moving on the way back to Plymouth already. 

The view from the lift on platform 1 

How i managed to get the bike in was a mystery

Then it was to find the seat, this time I wanted to face the left since with of the coast, but it was a shame since the only free seat was with the wall facing so I did not get any good view of the coast. But then it was good to do more catch up which involved more calls and a couple of emails as well. 

The view near the estuary 

I enjoyed the sip of the Blue Raspberry and showed the ticket when needed, so that made life that bit easier while cruising along the coast and getting towards Newton Abbot. But then as it passed, the sun was coming out and finally felt like summer, I felt sweaty and more thirsty I was near Ivybridge the clouds were coming back for a short while. But then it was time to pack up. 

Then this was the hard part, it was coming to that point where the bike door was locked so could not easily be moved, which first getting the luggage out, another bystander tried to help and talked about getting the guard at the station. But then it was having to sit and turn to get it in, the back was out but the front was struggling for sure. In the end, some guy twisted the handlebars upside down and it just about squeezed out, like 2 minutes before the train was going to depart. I got off the train and then walked my way to the platform lift. 

The bike trapped in the locker with the luggage

I got on the lift and it went out, the lady that helped was on her way to St Germans and she agreed how the bike storage is odd on these trains, but then she got off the lift and it was then splitting ways, she was platform 6, I was platform 8. The app said the lift was not working, I went on the lift and it was working fine. 

Then as I got to park the bike, it was time for a toilet, but before that was a selfie and then another call to the mobile from a customer. Then it was finally time to go toilet since the engine started running, the bike was mounted on the end of the train, which then after that confusion, I got it strapped in and settled down, some bits with the surface to start then, it was clear sky for the most of the city as I made my way back home.

The Biked strapped up 

It feels faster in most instances and also the tickets were asked for after Keyham or was it near the ferres, either way, it was a bit later since the way it was from Keyham had to be delayed. Eventually, it was nearing the end of the day by 19:28. As it got to St. Bueadoux an idea across to get the train to order food and then get the train home, like takeout delivery since most of the chains like KFC and Dominoes were there (memories of Emma from years ago). 

The selfie looking back on the tamar

The view over the calstock viaduct 

After that I said my time was soon up, I got back to Guni then got off the train and made my way up the hill with about 30 miles left on the batter for this week, it was 75 miles when I left home this morning too, the calibration of the battery does not always make sense whatsoever. But then it was time to enjoy a nice mix of meatballs in this sauce with a bit of burger sauce and potato wedges to go on top. 

The tea of meatballs in a sauce, burger sauce, bread, salad, chicken slice, potato sticks 

But enjoy this and soon there will be the catch up vlog and a carnival vlog to complete too. 

Take care 
